Astore is one of the ten districts of the Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan.

The district contains the Astore Valley, which has an area of 5,092 km² and an altitude of 2600 m.

It has Diamer District in its west, in the north Gilgit District, in the east Skardu District and in the south Neelum District of Azad Kashmir.

According to the 1998 census of Pakistan the population of Astore Valley was 71,666.

The Astore valley is connected to Gilgit and Skardu which are connected by air with Islamabad.

There are two ways to access to Astor, first is via Deosai 95 km from Skardu city, but it cannot be used from November to June due to heavy snowfall and second way, for all seasons, is via Jaglot, 135 km from Gilgit city.

According to the Imperial Gazetteer of India, around 1600: Gh?z? Mukhpun, a Persian adventurer, is said to have married a princess of the Sk?rdu reigning family.

The four sons born of this union became R?s of Sk?rdu, Astor, Rondu, and Kharmang respectively.

From them are descended the families of the present chiefs of those places. Afzal, Guada, Chilma respectively were sons of Astor.

They lived in Juttay, Ganda gam (Arzal abad), Gudai (Guada abad), Chilm (Chilma abad) respectively.